Custom Fields API2

The Custom Fields API allows you to retrieve, add and get custom fields of an asset. The following methods are available: Get all custom fields , Add custom field , Get custom fields of asset , Set custom field value in bulk , Set custom field value.

Get all custom fields


Method name Returns
getall Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
id ID of the field 108
text Text of the field my custom field
type What type the field is (text, textarea, etc.) text
enabled If the field is enabled in Razuna T
show For which asset type the field is enabled all (default) img = Images vid = Videos aud = Audios doc = Documents users = Users

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{"columns":["id","text","enabled","type","show"],"data":["108","my custom field","T","text","all"]]} 

Output format : Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.

Add custom field


Method name Returns
setfield Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
field_text The text of the field String yes my custom field
field_type Type of the field String yes text ; textarea ; radio (radio button) ; select (select list) ; select_multi (select multiple) as of Razuna 1.7.5
field_show To what asset type should the field be enabled String no all (default) ; img = Images ; vid = Videos ; aud = Audios ; doc = Documents ; users = Users
field_enabled Is the field enabled within Razuna String no T = yes (default) ; F = no
field_select_list If your field type is a select list, enter its values here String no value 1,value 2,value 3

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode Responsecode 0 (if successful)
message Status Message Custom field successfully added
field_id ID of the new custom field 109

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{["responsecode":"0","message":"Custom field successfully added","field_id":"1110008"]}

Get custom fields of asset

Returns all custom fields from asset(s).


Method name Returns
getfieldsofasset Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
asset_id ID of the asset(s) String yes 108 or a list like 108,109,etc.
lang_id ID of the language for the results String no 1 (default)

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
field_id ID of the custom field 109090
field_text Text of the custom field location
field_value Value of the custom field for this asset record Denmark

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output


Output format : Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.

Set custom field value in bulk

Method name Returns
setfieldvaluebulk Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
field_values JSON Structure String yes JSON structure See the example below

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode Responsecode 0 (if successful)
message Status Message Custom field values successfully added

JSON parameter for field_values

You pass the values for the custom fields as a JSON structure. The first parameter is the assetid, followed by a embedded JSON structure of the custom field ID and the custom field value. A example of passing the values would be (you need to serialize your array in order to pass it in a URL):

[["1ABB08AA3B47402CB4BF1B398F4CD6F8",[["255F307E-AE5A-4E66-AD2F6BBE81D0541C","value 1"],["7FD45BCC-F3ED-4C85-8CCCF50CDCE98E8E","value 2"]]]]

In a bulk statement for many files you would simple add them to the JSON structure as in:

[["1ABB08AA3B47402CB4BF1B398F4CD6F8",[["255F307E-AE5A-4E66-AD2F6BBE81D0541C","value 1"],["7FD45BCC-F3ED-4C85-8CCCF50CDCE98E8E","value 2"]]],["BB59AB4D207F41C79408E5DC04B8651A",[["FB3489CC-059E-424F-B448371E18DDE6A6","value 3"],["F72A20FE-D5EC-4CF0-98C689F6FE87CCB9","value 4"]]]]

REST: Sample Request

/global/api2/customfield.cfc?method=setfieldvaluebulk&api_key=CA1EBCFD45084E3991EA569DB10A29AA&field_values=[["1ABB08AA3B47402CB4BF1B398F4CD6F8",[["255F307E-AE5A-4E66-AD2F6BBE81D0541C","value 1"],["7FD45BCC-F3ED-4C85-8CCCF50CDCE98E8E","value 2"]]]]

Sample Output

{["responsecode":"0","message":"Custom field values successfully added"]}

Set custom field value

Bulk adding : You can also use the setfieldvaluebulk() method above in order to set many custom field values for many files at the same time!

Method name Returns
setfieldvalue Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
field_values JSON Structure String yes JSON structure of metadata See the metadata field list below To set a value for select (multiple) simply comma separate the values!
assetid The id of the asset or a list of id’s (delimited with a “,”) String yes 108 or a list like 108,109,etc.

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode Responsecode 0 (if successful)
message Status Message Custom field values successfully added

JSON parameter for field_values

You pass the values for the custom fields as a JSON structure. You also need to know the ID of the custom field. A example of passing the values would be (you need to serialize your array in order to pass it in a URL):

[["255F307E-AE5A-4E66-AD2F6BBE81D0541C","value 1"],["7FD45BCC-F3ED-4C85-8CCCF50CDCE98E8E","value 2"]]

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{["responsecode":"0","message":"Custom field values successfully added"]}